The Future Forest Company: Rebrand, UX and Web Design



The Future Forest Company is an organisation on a mission. They’re cleaning up the atmosphere, restoring biodiversity and fighting climate change by planting trees – and intend to have introduced enough to remove a million tonnes of CO2 from our air by 2030. 


  • Brand & Identity
  • Development
  • Digital Experience
  • Web Design


  • Environment


The FFC came to us as a team who, whilst well on the way to planting their first million trees, felt the need to level up not only their digital presence, but their brand. Having outgrown some aspects of their former brand personality, they were ready for our help in creating a new, more professional visual identity that would afford more freedom and consistency – and key messaging to not only help align core values but define how to express them.


Another key challenge was the Future Forest Company website. Through the FFC, individuals can buy trees for themselves or as gifts, but another big part of FFC’s planting is on behalf of other organisations who sign up for ongoing partnerships.  The site needed to cater for both of these users, as well as landowners and residents near forests.

the solution

Our first port of call was a physical one; we made the trip to Edinburgh for an immersive brand workshop with the whole FFC team, running through a series of exercises to extract the brand essence and purpose of the new site. As well as concentrating on key messaging, we focussed on the user experience of a visitor to the new website, making sure the journey would be well signposted and seamless for different user profiles. 

You like what you see

Start a Project

You like what you see

The solution

In the design phase, we simultaneously focussed on website and visual identity.

The Future Forest Company were fond of their logo, so rather than a full overhaul, we gave it a refresh in order to achieve a more consistent, joined up feel across the full range of brand assets. 

We introduced new colours including a vibrant orange, brought in new fonts and reworked an existing brandmark to make it more suited to digital platforms.

the solution

When it came to the website build, we created an ecommerce focused new website for FFC,  meaning that individuals can now ‘self-serve’ by signing up to plant trees, sponsor biodiversity and for service provisions such as peatland restoration. With laser-like focus on the check out, we ensured that this would be as simple as possible not only for the user but for FFC, who had previously taken on a lot of this work manually.

Transforming FFC’s Digital Presence


Giant Peach’s collaborative effort with FFC has transformed their digital presence. The new website not only makes it easy for users to find the product or service they want – and purchase it – the website takes over a lot of heavy lifting from the FFC team, meaning they have more time to dedicate to helping the planet. That’s what we call a win-win.

Next Project

Richmond Bell Architects: Rebrand and Web Design